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Origine Series
Our house blends
Replete with our history and culture, the Origine series is a return to the roots of our collective identity. These elements represent us and make us who we are they make us proud, Proud of our authenticity and unique flavour. Inspired by our experience, Origine unveils Nektar's complete DNA.
To start in this series, we suggest the Discovery Origine set.
Récolte Series
Microlots with a single origin
Bold and explorative, the Récolte series is journey fuelled by the grower's passion, terroir and country. It is the result of harvests shaped by their own unique history and environment. Each bean is carefully roasted to bring you Nektar's know-how and experience.
To start in this series, we suggest the Discovery Récolte set.
Grand cru Series
Exceptional lots
Bold notes, exploration of unexpected territories, alternative drying methods; the Grand Cru series is the sum of our expertise and the skills of avant-garde coffee growers. The result is premium coffees that are simply divine.